Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kyle & Megans Wedding

Kyle and Megan married on Saturday, September 20th. The ceremony was at St. Vincent DePaul in Seward, Nebraska. After the ceremony we went to the country club in Seward for a couple images of the wedding party. Before the reception at the Cornhusker Hotel we photographed in the Haymarket. These images only scratch the surface of how fun this wedding was.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rock Star Senior Photo Shoot!!!

Monday the weather cleared up for Elizabeth's senior photo shoot. Elizabeth looked like a rock star, and her outfit choices blew me away! The black dressed looked great in Graffiti Alley. Yet again the seniors who choose Corey Rourke Photography are on the cutting edge of style and fashion!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Stormy's Senior Photo Shoot!!

Yet another beautiful night to photograph. Stormy was one of the coolest seniors I met this summer. She picked out great outfits to compliment her style. The mustard colored shirt looked awesome!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Game Time (family portraits)

I had the opportunity to photograph a beautiful family over labor day weekend. Actually we finished taking the portraits only a couple hours before the first Nebraska football game. Everyone was in husker red even the dogs had red scarfs. I was so glad to fit you in over the holiday weekend.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Charlie & Rita's wedding in Crofton NE

Charlie & Rita were married on August 23, 2008. Rita mention she enjoys watching her brothers play baseball. So after the ceremony, everyone got on the hayrack ride and went down to the field for some fun wedding portraits. Then we proceeded through down town Crofton like rock stars! I had a blast!