Elizabeth and Jason wanted something different. One green couch from the 1970's, a downtown Lincoln alleyway and 16 of the craziest wedding party members made it easy to capture cool illustrative images . Thanks again; you guys rock!
"Smile and I'll get you ice cream" is a standard bribe for kids. Not only does it work but its fun and messy. Why have birthday cake when you can have ice cream? Kids love a challenge: they have to try to keep the ice cream from falling out of the cone, the drips from going down the arms and the cone from breaking. Happy birthday, Justice! Good job on the ice cream.
Kelly & Casey were married a couple weeks ago. The wedding party was a blast. A good clue for a photographer is how the rehearsal dinner went. All the groomsmen were accounted for but, the rumor was it was a late night for the wedding party. Our location portraits were done in a park close to the church. As you see below the bride and bridesmaids chased down some birds by the lake while the groomsmen needed a image that looked like they were in a GQ magazine. See ya soon. Corey
Summer is here which for some means relaxing by the waterfront. Emily & Jason wanted some images at the beach. The Pacific Ocean was too far so the next best thing was Branched Oak Lake. The water was blue and the sun was warm. I had fun; see ya soon.
Nas and Damien Jr. Gong Marley took the stage last nite at Stir Cove . It's always fun to get into the crowd and photograph a band on stage. Special thanks to Rob & Chas for getting everyone together, Cornerstone Dub for transportation and Andy Bates for hanging out in left field. Oh, I can't forget the 6'4" man in the crowd for moving to the right every thirty seconds.
Bryan & Lisa married on May 23, 2009. The storm held off until about 9pm, which means we had good weather all day. We started the day at the capital for a few wedding party images. Next we headed to St Marys for some quick formals. After the ceremony we created some illustrative images in the Haymarket. The final stop, after hitting the bars, was the Delray ballroom. This was no regular reception; the band was Little Brown Jug . The bride and groom decided to jam with the band. I hope you had fun in Jamaica.
May 16th Talmage Nebraska time 12:00 Clara was finishing up make up and putting on the dress. This wedding was a blast. I had a ton of cool ideas in my head for images and this couple was up for all of them. St Joseph's church in Talmage was on dirt road on the top of a hill. This scenery could be in a movie. After the ceremony we headed to the farm for a couple location shots of the wedding party. Stay tune and see ya soon!
Logan & Nicole were married on May 11, 2009. The first stop of the day was The Bridal Bar, where the couple got ready in the morning. Our all day photo shoot continued at a small and intimate park in West Hollywood. Venice Beach was next on the agenda for cool location portraits. I mentioned to Logan & Nicole that I photograped at this location prior to their wedding. They loved the idea of a paint park and the beach.
After a 20 minute drive we hit St. Monica Pier for some images on the boardwalk. No funnel cakes that day; I was too excited for the change of scenery from downtown Lincoln, NE. At 7:15 pm the ceremony began on Zuma Beach. There's nothing like an intimate wedding on the beach with the waves crashing just feet away.